Locating potential cultivation zones of olive, pomegranate, and citrus for proper planning and water resources uses, in Kermanshah province using GIS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Water Science and engineering, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah. Iran.

2 Department of Water Science and engineering,Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah. Iran.


Objective: The purpose of this research was to separate the suitable areas from the unsuitable for cultivating olive, pomegranate, and citrus orchards and zoning the suitable areas for proper planning of water resources in the region.

Method: In this study, using information and digital maps and with the specialized analysis of each layer of information, a part of the study area that lacks defined facilities and potential has been removed from the study area and priority has been found in the prone areas. In this section, the natural environment of Kermanshah province, i.e. climatic factors, soil, and topography was studied and analyzed. Also, among the climatic parameters of annual rainfall, average annual temperature, average minimum temperature of the coldest month of the year, and average maximum temperature of the hottest month of the year were studied. According to the required climatic elements and using the GIS software and the method (IDW), the required maps were drawn, and then, using the Overlay method, the map of the susceptible areas was drawn.

Results: According to the obtained results, Kermanshah province can be divided into five areas for the cultivation of olive and pomegranate orchards: very suitable, suitable, relatively suitable, slightly suitable and unsuitable, and three suitable, unsuitable and uncultivable areas for citrus cultivation. According to the regionalization, the most suitable area for olive cultivation was about 9000 hectares (90 square kilometers) in the cities of Paveh, Javanrood, and Salas, Babajani, and also about 322,400 hectares (3224 square kilometers) of suitable areas for pomegranate cultivation in the cities of Paveh, Javanrood, Salas, Islamabad and Gilan-e-Gharb in the west part of the province. Also, about 163,800 hectares (1638 square kilometers) of land in the districts of Gilan Gharb, Qhaser Shirin, and Somar were identified as suitable for citrus cultivation.

Conclusions: The obtained results indicated the talent of the Kermanshah province in producing horticultural products. Therefore, according to the suitable climatic conditions throughout the province and with proper planning of cultivation and water resources in zoned areas, Kermanshah province can be self-sufficient in each of those products and export to neighboring cities and provinces and even the country of Iraq. Undoubtedly, the increase in those above-mentioned production and export to other parts of the country as well as the neighboring country of Iraq can provide a huge tool in creating jobs and increasing the income of the villagers in Kermanshah province.


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